Monday, August 31, 2015

Weather Class Expectations

The Cabell County Weather Project is an effort to prepare teachers to include weather in their classroom instruction. With climate change, weather is becoming a more important factor in everyone’s personal and economic life. The National Weather Service is emphasizing “weather readiness” and this class will help teachers and students prepare. Participants in this class are expected to:
·         Attend each class session.
·         Post one weather-related entry per week on the class blog site.
·         Comment on the blog posts of two class participants per week.
·         Produce a lesson plan unit of at least two lesson plans that includes a weather component in their area. These plans will be posted on the blog site.
Class participants who want graduate credit through Marshall University will produce a third lesson plan in the unit. The unit must include a student use of technology like GIS, GPS, or Video production. 


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