Monday, December 7, 2015

Hurricane Season Has Ended

The 2015 hurricane season has ended with activity in the Atlantic below average.  Out of only 11 named storms this year, only four developed into hurricanes, none of which made landfall.  Unfortunately, Texas and South Carolina were both struck by damaging tropical storms (Ana and Bill), resulting in billions of dollars in damage, and at least one death.  Overall though, the season was very quiet compared with typical years.  The same cannot be said for the Pacific, with El Nino causing record setting conditions in the Eastern and Central Pacific regions. The Eastern Pacific saw 18 named storms, 13 of which developed into hurricanes.  This included Hurricane Patricia off of Mexico, the strongest hurricane on record. Luckily that storm produced far less damage than was expected due to striking in a relatively unpopulated area and quickly losing power over the mountains.  The Central Pacific had 14 named storms, 8 of which became hurricanes, with 5 of those being major.

1 comment:

  1. I think that we will see an increase in hurricanes from this year over the next couple of years. While I don't want any damage or costs from a hurricane, I do find hurricanes fascinating. I wouldn't mind flying into one with Jim Cantori. :)
