Monday, October 12, 2015

More Coral Bleaching

A global coral bleaching event is occurring for the third time due to record high ocean temperatures.  This bleaching has been taking place in Hawaii, but scientists it has now spread to Caribbean reefs as well.  This bleaching event began in the Florida Keys in August, but seems to be diminishing there as waters cool for the season.  Although coral reefs appear to be more like rocks than living things, they are composed of millions of tiny organisms that are actually very sensitive changes in water temperature and pollution, turning white as they die.  Coral reefs are host to an enormous amount of biodiversity and as they vanish, so too do numerous species illustrating yet another ripple effect in the biosphere. Unfortunately the strong El Niño that should bring much needed rain to the West is contributing to the higher water temperatures that are killing reefs.  This first occurred in the strong 1998 El Niño, and was followed again in 2010.  As temperatures fall for the season, the bleaching ceases, but the damage sustained is permanent.

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