Monday, November 2, 2015

The Atmosphere on Mars

I plan to discuss the layers of the atmosphere this week with my students, and I was looking on Newsela for articles related to the atmosphere. I found an article that was posted last year about a spacecraft that is orbiting Mars and measuring its atmosphere. The measurements will be used to understand its past atmosphere. Scientists believe that Mars was warm and full of water long ago, and it may have had a thicker atmosphere in the past. The atmosphere of Mars is currently 100 times thinner than Earth's atmosphere. NASA's website has articles and images of the spacecraft Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN). The website mentions that there will be a news briefing this Thursday, November 5th at 2pm to discuss the ongoing exploration of Mars. I may use the Newsela article to allow students to compare and contrast the atmospheres on Earth and Mars. They can then use the NASA website to research current findings.

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