Friday, December 11, 2015

Most Recent El Nino Predictions

This is the latest in the prediction for El-Nino. As you can see, it doesn't look like we will be getting too much of a winter here. May have to go to the high country to get some snow time in. You can watch the video with info at

This is one of the top 3 El Ninos. And all 3 of those has been in my lifetime. Yeah, folks, we are warming up.

YearSep-Nov ONI (degrees C)
1) 1997+2.18
2) 2015+2.04
3) 1982+1.86

YearPeak ONI (degrees C)
1) 1997-1998+2.26 (Oct-Dec)
2) 1982-1983+2.12 (Nov-Jan)
3) 2015-2016+2.04 (Sep-Nov)

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