Monday, September 7, 2015

School closings due to high heat!

A few districts in Connecticut are dismissing their schools early Tuesday and Wednesday due to the unusual heat wave the area is experiencing. Last week the heat wave and humidity caused high levels of ozone. High ozone levels can cause coughing, pain in the chest, and sore throats. It irritates the lungs and breathing passages and increases the risk of respiratory infections.


  1. Good post Amy. Heat kills more people each year than any other type of weather event. As climate change continues, this will no doubt grow worse.

  2. I would have never have thought schools would close because of these high temperatures! Very interesting. Based on this Im surprised WV doesn't close based on high allergens in the air.

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  5. It's surprising the schools would have closed due to high temperatures. The central air in most school buildings would hopefully go towards counteracting the heat.It's interesting though that Connecticut is experiencing such a heat wave, when around here and further south it seemed somewhat normal for this time of year.

  6. There was a high ozone warning one day when I was in New York City this summer. I think that was the first time I ever experienced that type of alert.
