Monday, September 14, 2015

Amazing Weather Picture

While I was searching for a weather related article for class this week, I stumbled upon this jewel. This picture won the 2015 Weather Channel "It's Amazing Out There" photo contest. This picture was taken by Matt Clark. I think that this picture show just how amazing weather forces can be.

Mr. Clark's Response:
In the spring of 2013, just months after Hurricane Sandy devastated much of the East Coast, he stopped at the Jersey Shore to take some photos of the soon-to-be-torn-down Jet Star roller coaster. “It was an intense time for so many people who had their lives changed in such an incredible way,” he told “I really wanted to capture this moment in history that wouldn’t be there in the future. I knew that there was only a little bit of time left.”
Though not from the area, that beach has a special place in his heart since he had been right in front of the roller coaster on multiple occasions to photograph surfers. When he went to the shore, police were set up to keep anyone from getting too close. That didn’t stop Clark from trying to get the perfect photo. He talked to the cops and managed to gain special access and clearance to photograph it.

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