Sunday, September 27, 2015

Super Moon Eclipse A Bad Omen?

While we've been out enjoying warm weather (albeit with some rain), so has other countries around the world. Places like England are set for a couple more weeks of that wonderful warm weather. However, is tonight's eclipse a bad omen?

People over in Britain have been hitting the beaches, enjoying the warm temperatures and the heat and of the sun. As the eclipse hits tonight though, ancient civilizations believed this super moon and lunar eclipse combination to be a bad omen. In this case it seems likely they would have believed it indicative of a rough winter ahead.

Of course, ancient superstitions are nothing to lay stock in scientifically, but as the leaves change and fall, it wouldn't be surprising if the snow shovels start coming out sooner then expected. Not only for European countries, but for the U.S. As well.


  1. From what I have seen so far, we're supposed to experience a strong El Niño this year, which should deliver much needed moisture to the western US and give us a milder winter.
