Sunday, September 27, 2015

Not all states are experiencing a warm start to fall.

     With the arrival of the Fall season the temperatures have been cooler at night yet surprisingly comfortable during the day here in West Virginia.  Warm temperatures similar to what we are experiencing in The Mountain State, seems to be the trend throughout the lower 48.  But the 49th State, Alaska, is experiencing the opposite when it comes to both temperature and precipitation.

University of Alaska, Fairbanks 9/25/2015 via

     On Friday, September 25, 2015 only a few days into fall, the first measurable snowof the season fell in Fairbanks, Alaska.  As a matter of fact it is the heaviest September snow that's fallen on Fairbanks in 23 years.  The 6.7 inch snowfall is the third largest September snow in history, preceded only by snowfalls measured at 7.8 inches in 1992 and 7 inches in 1972.

   Not only has snow begun to fall in Alaska, but earlier in the week a weather station in Toolik, Alaska recorded a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit.  The polar jet stream seems to have dipped southward over Alaska, bringing cold and wet weather patterns to the 49th state.  Will the jet stream bring similar weather patterns our way later in the year?

Polar Jet Stream mid-late September via

1 comment:

  1. I commented on this once from my Ipad but I don't see it so I will comment again.
    I have always wanted to visit Alaska. However, I think that I should watch the patterns of weather from the past to determine the best time to go. I do love snow, but not so sure I would like to get stuck there because of it. I know North Dakota has gotten snow sometimes when we are well into our warmer weather in the spring. I wonder if this is a sign for us?
